Young and Positive – Young People Living with HIV in Australia: Their Relationship to their Health and HIV Supports

The importance of having PLHIV retained in the care cascade (linkage, retention and adherence to medication) is widely accepted. There is, however very little literature about where young people (aged 18-29) living with HIV (PLHIV) in Australia are situated on this care cascade. Clinical experience and literature from other countries indicates young PLHIV may have specific clinical and psychosocial needs relating to the management of HIV. Through this research, it is hoped an understanding of the distinctive needs of this population will be achieved, enabling gaps in the health and social supports to be identified and addressed, leading to more effective engagement of this population in HIV care.



PhD Student – Lisa Wojciechowski
Supervisor – Professor Louise Harms, Deputy Head: Department of Social Work , School of Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
Supervisor – Dr Christy Newman, Senior Research Fellow: University of New South Wales, Centre for Social Research in Health, School of Arts & Social Sciences


The University of Melbourne & University of New South Wales

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